Active Military and Their Families – Resources and Support

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In addition to the worries and anxieties of everyday life that everyone faces, there are additional concerns that members of the military and their families must deal with. These concerns include: preparing for deployment; experiencing separation and reunification with family members; frequent relocations; anxiety and grief from potential and actual loss of friends and loved ones; and difficulties associated with obtaining military benefits.

Military Family Assistance Centers are a primary source of information and support for military personnel and their families. Military family centers provide information on benefits for military personnel and their families; keep families updated on activities in areas where service members are deployed; assist with communications between families and service members; provide information on family support groups; and refer families for other services they may need, such as counseling, insurance coverage, and legal and financial assistance. All of the branches of the U.S. military have family centers. A list of family centers can be generated by searching Military Homefront’s Military Installations lookup tool at:

Connecticut Military Family Support Program, administered by the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), addresses problems facing military personnel and their families as they prepare for deployment or return to civilian life. The program links service members, or their family members, to service providers in their community to help them with relationship and family issues; depression, stress and anxiety; child and youth issues; and substance abuse problems. The program also refers to benefit programs, education services, and Family Readiness Groups. All services are confidential. Additional information can be found at:

American Red Cross Connecticut Region, links members of the U.S. Armed Forces with their families during a crisis. Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, the Red Cross quickly sends emergency communications to deployed service members on behalf of their family.

For assistance with an emergency communication, call 1-877-272-7337, any time, or you can submit request online; More information on emergency communications is available at

Web Links to Resources for Military Personnel and Their Families

Military Homefront: U.S. Department of Defense website provides information and resources for troops and their families, including desk guides, policies, forms and other information from the service branches and the Department of Defense; tools and custom plans to facilitate a smooth relocation; and phone numbers, addresses and other community based information using online directories and interactive maps:

Military OneSource: 24 hr/7 day phone line and website offers information and referrals for child care, personal finances, emotional support, relocations, counseling and more,

SAMHSA Veteran Resources: The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration website provides links to mental health and substance abuse resources for returning veterans and their families and to resources for military families coping with trauma.

9/11 Victim Compensation Fund: On July 29, 2019, the President signed into law “The Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization Act”. The VCF Permanent Authorization Act extends the VCF’s claim filing deadline from December 18, 2020, to October 1, 2090, and appropriates such funds as may be necessary to pay all approved claims. For information on how to file a claim, obtain access to forms and a list of resources, visit the Department of Justice (DOJ) website, or call the Helpline at 1-855-885-1555.


SOURCE: Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS); American Red Cross Connecticut; U.S. Department of Defense; SAMHSA; Department of Justice (DOJ)